About Me

I was born in Salerno (Italy) in 1984. I’m Italian and I speak English and Spanish fluently.

When I was 6 I started to play piano. Fascinated by musicians like Chopin, Beethoven and Strauss, in a few months I started to compose music. One or two years later – I can’t remember, I was too young – I gave my first concert playing my own music.

When I was 7, I started to write novels and short stories. After many years, in 2005, I published my first novel: “Il guardiano del faro” (“The Guardian of the Lighthouse”). It was a horror story. In 2009 I published my second novel, “La teiera di porcellana” (“The porcelain teapot”), a romantic story.

After a degree in “Discipline delle Arti, della Musica e dello Spettacolo” (Bachelor’s Degree in Creative Arts), a Master Degree in “Cinema and Media Studies” at the University of Bologna (Italy) and a Postgraduate Master Program in “Analisys and Planning of Television Products” at the “Università del Sacro Cuore” in Milan (Italy), I worked for years as TV Content Editor at Italian nationwide TVs  and at an important Italian online magazine as freelance editor. I worked as copywriter and social manager at a communication agency, as well.

Now, I am cooperating with a brand new Italian magazine, that is going to be launched and delivered to the most important italian influencers and managers soon.

I am a freelance writer, editor, copywriter, social media manager and communication consultant.

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